
Policies of democracy capitalists separated dheen religion from dhunia their dheen is wipe out Islam humiliate Muslims; democracy is present official religion of Muslim

Policies of democracy capitalists separated dheen religion from dhunia their dheen is wipe out Islam humiliate Muslims; democracy is present official religion of Muslim

Policies of democracy capitalists separated dheen religion from dhunia their dheen is wipe out Islam humiliate Muslims; democracy is present official religion of Muslim

Dem policy Turkey was the first to implement secular faithless ruling system of democracy


Happy birth day secular bay dheen faithless Pakistan all religions are truth choose wt U like Jumhuriut became first choice of Muslims

Democracy policy; Possible Whole universe may crash but without doubt mission beyond impossible Khilafet state of Messenger will never be established by means of quffer democracy or on the decision of MPs member of parliament

Since 1947 Army dhujals indian Agents took control of Paki army and purged out all the Islamic minds dumb deaf blind Muslims did nothing this army is first hurdel in the way of Khilafet state

For 100 years no protest julsa jolus or dherna is done by Muslims, 100 years without one leader umeer khalif and state 100 years without Jihad without sharia laws without the state of Islam Prophet left behind the state khilafet

Dem American top priory Policy; 1 D Militarize

2 D  denuclearize 3 D link China 4 D Islamism

5 D Stabilize 6 D Moralized Pakistan and Turkey and whole Muslim countries

Dem American top priory Policy; Give Muslims democracy; after 1924 all the Muslims have accepted democracy as their way forward dheen; America has killed 50 million people to give Muslims secularism; accepted with passion and love

PK Dem jumhury policy kill Muslims protect Indian pagans and Americans Jews

Democrat Indian pagan policy; liberate Pakistan maha bharut in Islam Bad

Democrat firm on their believe their policy freedom of speech

DEM freedom of speech only used to insult messenger of Islam

Kafirs separated their dheen religion from life affairs after 1924 all the Muslims separated Islam from their life affairs; democracy secularism is their official dheen now; Prophet gave Muslims advance warning book of Allah will separated from governing but U Muslims never let it happen; Muslims rejected the warning

Dem policy Man made Nizam ruling system Parliament decide hall or Haram

dem policy secularism due to denial of right under church

Dem policy individualism

Dem policy Utilitarianism materialism nothing is sin enjoy life

Dem policy

policy secularism

Dem policy assembly people representatives make laws

When making laws is Man,s  authority only rich and powerful stay in power and humiliate the weak fables; Islam will abolish Man made laws

Dem policy Wafaqi Nizam Provinces own their natural resources in bad time provinces are first


Democracy policy jumhury ruling system nizam hoqumut is used to control Muslim armies and rulers

democracy policy majority vote rule and make law; if majority vote is in favor of Islamic state is rejected

Dem policy Julasa joluse protest dhurna condemn is to make Muslims animals leave no sense of thinking

Astray rulers democracy is official religion of Pakistan Turkey Egyptian army and rulers Muslims have accepted democracy for 100 years there is no protest against democracy and sood banks

Dem give choice to Muslims to disobey orders of Allah and obey Man made laws

Rulers call the Muslims to evil; wonder is Muslim public have become evil; they have accepted sood bank trading; visit Pakistan is model of evil; naked army and Muryam nwaz shoot naked video blackmail  Mafia gang of generals robe the wealth

Dem policy enmity with Islam; America is open enemy of Islam and Muslims; Allah warned Muslims if they give them chance they shall humiliate disgrace you;

American Dem policy use embassy and consulate are used for spying

Dem policy regime change, father and mother of democracy govern the Muslim world through army generals and government America appoint generals and select people for government

Dem policy regime change in Pakistan, bilawal bhuto new transgender pet dog

Dem policies Or PTI OR PPP OR NOON LEAGUE OR MOLANS DIESEL JUP AND ARMY every one guarantee slavery of America

American dem policy; Paki Military or leadership given no chance to cross the red line

Dem policy use Jumhuriut to fulfill the orders of UNO all the policies are only for Muslim world

if any cross red line of American interest

Dem policy all right brutally seized Media shut down use live bullets abduct rape Muslim women jail them make their naked videos

American policy weak Pakistan ; keep obedient army generals and governments in Pakistan  due to American interest in Afghanistan which may establish Islamic state

American policy keep Pakistan under control like pet dog, paki army general serve the boss well

Islam demands; freedom liberation; Muslims will never be free under the ruling system of evil democracy jumhuriut

dem policy never allow independence

Dem policy

Dem economical policies; TRADING IN $$$$

Dem policy fiat printed paper currency  $$ governs the world Pakistan and all poor Muslim countries are slave of $$

Dem policy to cripple economies of their slave countries specially Muslims


Dem policy; cripple currency devalue it in all Muslim countries special for Pakistan

Dem policy unstable currencies

Dem policy keep $ strong

Dem policy hegemony of $

IMK time now dhuger duly army raj $ is 380pkr

DEM POLICY establish sood riba banks

demo policy cripple Muslims cook them in loans payments, make sure Muslims will do nothing but watch their cooking

Dem policy; rejected gold and silver currency   gave the world fiat currency print notes on paper, cooked the world

Dem policy rich got it all cook the people

Dem policy generate wealth not just distribution cook roast the public

Dem policy; rejected gold and silver currency   gave the world fiat currency

Dem policy allure Muslims make them believe only Dem would make them rich

Urdu say Dem showed Muslims hell but Muslim believe it is junnut

Dem policy hypocrisy

Dem policy keep Muslim countries killing fields

Dem policy hate for Islam, pic show Muslims in cooking pot is fixed in a church

Demo policy Islam is stoned to death

Dem policy crusade took philistine

Dem policy brain wash Muslims to believe they are independent, Paki Muslims 14 Aug celebrate like a divorced widow celebrate her divorce after year

Democracy policy; torture abduct damage life property honor

Democracy policy generate crises

Dem American policy; use FATF to keep Pakistan under control

Demo policy control govern Pakistan via IMF

Dem policy loans on sood; Muslims have accepted Haram dont care about hell in akhiera DOJ

Demo policy world order to control Muslim countries bind with world economic

Islamic view democracy is failed system of ruling cannot compete with policies of Islam

Jumhuriut a naked dheen Man mad Ideology Muslims love it

Dem policy corruption fraud is used

Islam orders reject all forms of democracy technocratic or presidential

Dem policy buried elegance bhait with one leader to obey him; Muslims rejected the order of Allah there is one umeer and no bhait

Dem policy corruption fraud is used start from rigging election massive fraud in budgets and big projects

Democracy corrupt Devil evil nizam hqumut ruling system good honest governor

Dem policy Division of nations

sanctions and nation states Divide the lands and split nation

DEM policy defame Islam and defend Jumhury evils

Dem policy horse trading buy and sell MPs change loyalties for 73 years Paki Muslims saw it

Dem policy credit ratting; loans which country can afford to pay interest

Dem policy GDP is not well fare of public or people are well-of

Dem policy GDP no care about people need

Dem policy indirect Taxation; cause price rises and cook the Muslims

Dem policy tax rich and poor equally; never finish poverty

DEM POLICY privatization of natural resources; only rich invest get richer

Dem policy privatization of assets to rich cook the people

Pakistan today 31/12/23 fighting with Allah love jumhuriut and sood banks

Dem policy trade in $$$; petrol and imports price rise like bomb shell

In Pakistan or Turkey or Arabs for 70 year i have not seen any protest julsa jolus dherna against the sood banks and jumhuriut  Pakistan from day one was secular faithless state and Jumhurut was it,s official dheen Parliament was lord of the commands; Commands of Allah were rejected

Pakistan sood banks were established in 14 AUG  1947

Dem policy For Pakistani national security gen qummer dog Bajwa sold nukes atom recognition Israel lays how much $$$$$s Paki dhujal generals get from India and America  

Dem policy strengthen borders between Muslims countries

Dem policy Paki national security alliance with enemies of Islam

Dem policy Paki national security give away East Pakistan the Kashmir

Dem policy Paki national security give away East Pakistan the Kashmir kill Bloch Muslims is the cost

Demo policies bankrupt Pakistan

Dem Pakistani policy recognize Israel

Dem paki policy condemnation; Nmoos Rialut defaming prophet

Dem policy prevent Islamic political education

Dem policy Russia Ban on translation of Quran

Dem paki haramy policy; no place for Muslim immigrants in Pakistan

Paki army best friend of India

Gang Rape Muslim women Hindu gangster say but Paki dhujal army protect Indian borders crush Jihadi movement

Dem paki policy friend with pagans who blood thirsty of Muslim

Dem Paki Policy obey America and submit surrender to India

Dem Paki policy Rudhul Fisad is only give security of life to Pagan India and America all those killed are Muslims

Dem policy Riba sood trading lending is official dheen of Pakistan Turkey and Arabs

Dem policy do not believe in spiritual life look at man like science machine

Dem policy No huq or Batil nothing is sin

Dem monetary policy interest rate is used to increase or slow down economy cause recession

Dem policy pluralism

Dem policy weaken paki army strong India

Dem policy subjugate Paki army to western control

Dem policy laws are only for poor Rich break the constitution

Dem policy preserve the wealth of elite

Dem policy violate human rights

Dem policy geopolitical for India

Dem policy Pakistan restricted to Geo economics

Dem policy must privatize

Dem policy nation state

Dem policy Gender equality

Dem policy scarcity of resources

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy


Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy world order

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy no accountability of powerful generals

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem colonialist policy prevent industrial production

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy


Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy

Dem policy no effect on rich and powerful

Dem policy

Democracy origin of corruption

 Corruption is father and mother and pillar of Jumhuriut

Jumhuriut Corrupt nizam Corrupt rulers Corrupt army Corrupt parliament Corrupt corrupt judges

Corrupt traders Corrupt public servants Corrupt totally corrupt public; Paki Muslims love it more than Islam 100 years no protest is ever recorded against Jumhuriut in Pakistan

Dem policy, Ruling elite fight for power to serve themselves and Pagans and Jews

Dem policy Achieve power by fair or foul means use evil blackmail naked Vids

Dem policy gap between secular Pakistan and Muslim public

Dem policy ensures control of America

Dem policy ensures control of America

Dem policy rulers above law

Dem policy Paki Army and ruling elite leaders are custodian and guardian of jumhury Nizam custodians of naked videos  my body my will zuna gang rape is halllal  and world order

Dem policy collective ruling is lie

Dem policy Peel Skin of Muslims

Dem policy Peel Skin of Muslims

Dem policy Peel Skin of Muslims

Dem policy destruction of economy is only to  skin the Muslims

Dem policy skin the Muslims tax the graves Pakistan love jumhuriut now paying tax on graves

Dem policy break down the family ties before 1924 Muslims were intelligent had strong ties with family and friends then Muslim became practical  relations for benefit, then Muslims turned professional rejected ties if no benefit


Dem policy divided Pakistan

Dem policy accountability all elite class self exempted themselves

Dem policy Capitalist authority appoint base born fundamentally Jews pagans rulers over Muslims

demo policy corruption frauds

Paki band baja army policy enjoy life no fight sell their daughters for $$$$$

dem policy freedom for women

Dem policy make speeches give dreams of gold houses

Dem Jumhury circus Muslims policy love jumhuriut

Muslim policy love Jumhuriut

Dem Jumhury circus Muslims policy love jumhuriut

Dem Jumhury circus Muslims policy love jumhuriut Hen believe tomato will give chickens like wise paki 250 Muslims believe democratic IMK will make them rich


Dem Jumhury circus Muslims policy love jumhuriut

Dem policy Islamic ideologists removed from Pakistani Army

Islamic policy kill jumhuriut establish khilafet state of Messenger Mohammed saw

Champaign against cut the roots of democracy Jumhuriut in every house street towns cities countries

Dem policy seat in the parliament for dhujal molvies read quran before making the laws does not make pig parliament hallal

Islamic Policy

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