Quran chapter 15 B, worships 19 small chapters Sura,s memories with meaning Recite in Namaz
Quran chapter 15 B, worship 19 small chapters Sura,s memorise with meaning Recite in Namaz Quran Hadis say No one can read namaz on your behalf None Namazi in hell Others can do hajj for keep Roza for you Sponsor Jihad with money is counted …
Quran chapter 26 nation decides change their conduct,Society changes individual how individual change society Prophet Mohammed saw changed thinking thoughts induced believes in wisdom
Quran chapter 26 Change A nation must change their conduct, Society changes individual mould them to culture, how individual change the society Prophet of Islam Mohammed saw changed the thinking thoughts induced believes in wisdom Allah warned the Muslims Allah will kill destroy them and …
Quran chapter 25 Dhawa Allah says Who is better in speech than preacher teacher who calls to Allah, (Establish Khilafet state of Allah) Thou have bestowed mercy preserve (Muslims) from (all) ills sins
Quran chapter 25 Dhawa Allah says Who is better in speech than preacher teacher who calls to Allah, (Establish Khilafet state of Allah) Thou have bestowed mercy preserve them (Muslims) from (all) ills sins First teacher preacher is Lord Allah Second teacher preacher are Messengers …
Quran chapter 24 Crooked rich leaders will govern the world, We placed wicked (Capitalist) men leaders in every town, inviting to the Fire; vs. Leaders, giving guidance under Lord command, are banned
Quran chapter 24 Crooked rich leaders will govern the world, We placed wicked (Jumhury) men in every town, we made them leaders inviting to the Fire; vs. Leaders, giving guidance under Our command, are banned 1924 Saudi Arab Muslims demolished the state of messenger Mohammed …
Quran chapter 23 Rank,We have indeed created man in the best of molds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low―like dog donkey animals Muslims must know why?
Quran chapter 23 Rank,We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low― Muslims must know why? 95/1. وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُون—95/2. وَطُورِ سِينِينَ —95/3. وَهَٰذَا الْبَلَدِ الْأَمِينِ –95/4. لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ …
Quran chapter 22 Earn exalted highest rank fight in the cause of Allah, slay & slain in the battlefield Martyrs do not die Allah feed them There is no other deed, equal parallel to Jihad
Exalted rank Quran chapter 22 Earn exalted highest rank fight in the cause of Allah, slay & slain in the battlefield Martyrs do not die Allah feed them There is no other deed, equal parallel to Jihad Jihad is only command which promised short cut …
Quran chapter 21 We raise some of them above others in ranks, so that some may command work from others. Your servant you don,t make equal to you how 21ce Muslims made Parliament equal to Allah
Quran chapter 21 We raise some of them above others in ranks, so that some may command work from others. Your servent you don,t make equal to you how 21ce Muslims made Parliament equal to Allah We raise some of them above others in ranks, …
Quran chapter 20 Ranks are set after test trials by commands (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: To each among you have We prescribed a Law and an Open Way.
Quran chapter 20 Ranks are set after test trials by commands (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: To each among you have We prescribed a Law and an Open Way. To all are degrees (or ranks) according to their …
Quran chapter 19 Ranks Messengers We endowed with gifts some above others, one, Allah spoke, others raised to degrees of honor Islamic state Khalif امیر خلیفہ is final Authority.
Quran chapter 19 Ranks Messengers We endowed with gifts some above others, to one, Allah spoke, others raised to degrees of honour Islamic state Khalif امیر خلیفہ is final Authority. Prophets and their Khalifs –امیر خلیفہ-final authority 2/253. تِلْكَ الرُّسُلُ فَضَّلْنَا بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ ۘ …