
Band Baja songs Army Pakistani News Sold Kashmir army obeyed secular Bay dheen Gen Qumer Bajwa docrine (quran) oppose commands of Allah, protect India and pagans hindus kill Muslims

Band Baja songs Army Pakistani News Sold Kashmir army obeyed secular Bay dheen Gen Qumer Bajwa docrine (quran) oppose commands of Allah, protect India and pagans hindus kill Muslims

Band Baja songs Army Pakistani News Sold Kashmir army obeyed secular Bay dheen Gen Qumer Bajwa docrine (quran) oppose commands of Allah, protect India and pagans hindus kill Muslims

Band Baja Bhungera Army property dealer own 60% business in Pakistan Army Pakistani News Sold Kashmir every post is news

News 31/5/23 Video For Every soldier sipahi martyr shaheed Pakistani army generals get medals and plots in DHA video is terminated from U tube gun point of band baja army



Band baja army rejected the commands of Allah

Gharib poor ssipahi soldiers get killed Generals are rewarded Tumgay medals and plots in DHA

Generals of Bana army first 2 generals are British

Indian soldiers Paki generals feared most

Band Baja dhole songs Pakistani Army

Share the sweets kissing of flags thanks for taking kshmir

Pagan lion states man PM Moody say fight me o coward band baja Paki Army


band baja army song Idia run leave Kashmir you heard the speech of IMK we fought in UNO


After dismantling the shield state khilafet which protected lives property honor faith of Muslim khalif was expelled in 1924 Muslims have no state No army no faith who will protect the Muslims now But Only return of the state khilafet and khalif


band Baja bhungera army deliberated on their policy to restrain there won,t be any war with India actress Neelum minir Asim entertained in GHQ

GHQ having great entertainments celebrating least one million Muslims killed in kashmir since 1947





Only one army in the world swore to protect itself and deads of army  paki army never protected any Muslim any where in the world rather they killed and caused the killing of millions of Muslims

All the commands to fight Jihad re rejected No doubt agent army generals are secular faithless appointed by India and American Jews

Breaking news regime change Band baja dhol dhumaqa army making sure never break the shackles of slavery to America 14 Aug congratulation to slaves of America freedom from Britain buy green flags  wave them celebrate Muslims (wrong word) now you are Pakistani is right identity


Pakistan ka muqsud meaning slavery options India America China Russia Meaning of Pakistan devil advocates dhujals govern Pakistan decided by band baja army

Make police unpolitical big achievement make Pk army unpolitical is treason ghudari law made by band baja army

700,000 PK Army guarding Afghan border make sure Islamic khilafet will not enter Pakistan no Taliban Jihads will fight to free Kashmir

Band baja army make sure devil advocates will govern Pakistan and evil Arabs will stay in power


LOC line of control between free and occupied Kashmir

A Kashmiri girl stands in front of her damaged family house after cross border shelling in Jura, a village of Neelum valley in Pakistan-administered Kashmir on October 22, 2019. – At least 10 people were killed by artillery fire on October 20 along the de facto India-Pakistan border in Kashmir, officials said, as both countries accuse each other of trying to destabilise the disputed region. (Photo by FAROOQ NAEEM / AFP)

2022 Regime change Bajwa doctrine crooked wicked treacherous evil devil robbers replaced I M KHAN government  At last secular Army is exposed Pakistani public want ballot box Army give them bullets is how British ruled India

Sir Frank Walter Messervy KCSI, KBE, CB, DSO & Bar
Sir Frank Walter Messervy KCSIKBECBDSO & Bar
15 August 1947 10 February 1948 179 days 9th Hodson’s Horse The first commander-in-chief of the army who was in the acting rank of full general.

Messervy KCSIKBECBDSO & Bar   

Sir Douglas David Gracey KCB, KCIE, CBE, MC & Bar
Sir Douglas David Gracey KCBKCIECBEMC & Bar
11 February 1948 16 January 1951 2 years, 339 days 1st King George’s Own Gurkha Rifles (The Malaun Regiment) The last British person to hold the C-in-C title, served as an acting full general like his predecessor.

Second COAS of Pakistan Doughlas Gracey

First Pakistani army COAS British general Messervy kcsi cb dso & Bar Set the Doctrine treat the Muslims as enemy slave them use British raj laws  subdue them humiliate them don,t ever let Pakistan to become Khilafet Doctrine is followed by all the Generals of Pakistani Army

General Bajwa doctrine source of his thoughts are secular faithless Jihad is mother of terrorism sharia laws of punishment are barbaric animistic too old jumhuriut democracy is official religion of Pakistan started 1947 defame Islam protect the enemies of Islam

Pakistan is Secular mean faithless disbeliever house of falsehood quffer Army have rejected commands of Jihad true genuine evidence Islamic point of view

Pakistani Turkey Saudi and all the Muslim armies rejected Jihad to fight for the cause of Allah free and liberate occupied lands including Kashmir and Philistine Imam khana kaba declared fighting the Jews is terrorism re waded Zionists

Warning to 21ce 2 billion Muslims all the Governments Turkey Pakistan Saudi Arabia all Arab countries have adapted Misguidance and misguiding Muslims to hell democracy jumhuriut is the tool to misguide




Trader Army


Warning China will not liberate Kashmir

This is command of Allah

Pakistan rejected all the commands

Army tied up in barracks fogi hotel open 24hrs very experienced staff general Bajwa and Asim Bajwa

Pakistani Army General Qummer Bajwa doctrine extinguish Islam from Pakistan Jihad is mother of terrorism

Bajwa doctrine in 1971

1947 to 2023 true history of Pakistan, Treason Blasphemy with Islam defaming Islam house of Quffer evil named Islamic Pakistan 2022 Lord of commands holly ghost messenger of Satan General Bajwa wahi quran doctrine corruption no an issue Jihad is terrorism and economical disaster for Pakistan Restrain from war our desire of peace should not be taken as weakness we gave you East Pakistan and Kashmir and most of life line water how to deceive Paki Muslims let us have a fake war time to time we will kill you old scrap fighter jet and return your Pilot quickly, no one will ever know our game But here come a heroes warriors of Islam Hizb Tahrir disclosed exposed every deception plot against slam and it,s followers  made by Pakistani army and governments

2023 after 76 years a warrior I M khan exposed the black sheep traitors generals 2017 party of Allah posted TRANSLATION OF THE ABOVE URDU POST O Pakistani Muslims, remember the day you will account the Pakistani Generals all your issues problems will be solved No innocent will be killed no one will be abducted or disappear no one will enter your house by force and rob all you have, No one will demolish red Mosques and kill 2000 religious students and wipe out the blood spit in the Mosque no one will be terrorist or aid terrorism these are all made up things by Pakistani army then Dr aafia will not be sold to America there will be no other Bungla dais there will no destruction of Pukhtoon houses in Waziristan Kala Dams will be Built Loans will be paid off Pakistani people shall be a great nation on the horizon

Pakistani Army is trained by America fierce enemy of Islam


American Target Pakistan

Black sheep ghudare-wutun 1947 to 2023 COAS  dictators of Pakistan Ayub Yahya Ziaa Musheruf Raheel Kiani Bajwa  Asim Munir

devil traitor gen musheruf red carpet reception in India met PM wajpaee sold Kashmir

Indian Musheriq Ghandi asking M.A.Jina for these devil people you fought 

Bajwa doctrine delivered by pupet I M KHAN

Pakistan powerful and government commit open Blasphemy against Allah which goes unnoticed by 2 billion Muslims




Bajwa doctrine regime change 2023 now Blind devil Hafiz doctrine FIR arrest without notice or charge torture Ban Media Ban Parties abduct Islamic state campaigners prove no Muslim is left in Pakistani Army


Appoint your Muslim Umeer many Imams say is furz duty 21ce Muslims have seen their disaster without Umeer

khilafet policies

Changing faces or parties to govern is evil change with other evil


For 100 years now Muslims have not appointed their imam khalif



Reason for publication reject democracy establish khilafet state of messenger Mohammed sawa which he left behind destroyed in 1924 by Saudi and Arab Muslim

How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of
the feeble among men and of the women and the
children who are crying:




O young army officers

Noble peace prize winner devil Qummer Bajwa bury the Past Bury Kashmir

Qummer bajwa singh we will kill Jihadis if they cross LOC and not use atomic

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