[Ahmed Ali]
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- Paki news; D$$$olerised army’s Quran Cage Slavery Slay 70% dhesut gurd Muslims demand justice send 200 million to Israel Gaza Indian Kashmir Demilitarise Denuclearise DIslamise Destabilise Demoralize 1
- Muslims kill put in grave jumhuriut tagut courts zalim army civil governing campaign mohim chala-o in G H Q army headquarters schools colleges universities mosques streets shops towns cities countries 1
- Nation state aseebut Muhibay-wutuni made Muslims foreigners own lands, die to protect devil flags borders, Messengers of nation state Jumhuriut got 2 billion Muslims followers none left follow Islam 1
- State Constitution Vital Issue 3 million army Nukes learn knowledge understand practice Nubi demanded Nusr power Quran demand Jihad America Russia Ukraine war strive now Road map establish khilafet 1
- Rumzan 2023 Videos & posts Allah and his messenger calling Muslims establish state of Islam khilafet what you waiting for Jumhuriut has killed you 1
- Rumzan 2024 2 Billion Muslims their armies fasted feasted celebrated Eid filled bellies watched Genocide of 2 million Muslims One party cried O Muslims send Ur armies to Qibla uwal Musjid Aqsa Gaza 1
- Sold Pakistan 2023 news (2 D$lerised black mail vids Army imported leaders Sold Nukes Kashmir India State bank IMF Electric resources privatised roasted cooked Muslims faith violated honor in homes 1
- IMAMS OF ISLAM GAVE FUTWA LIKE Imam Abu"Ma"ali Al-Juwayni died 478AH said "Imaamah" Khilafah is a general authority complete leadership concern private public matters related to dheen and world, 1
- MONTH OF RUJUB Black rain on Muslims no one is spared absent of prophet state Capitalist jumhuriut continuously inflicting misery on Muslim world 1
- NMOOS RISALUT Indian pagans and Parliament is more honorable than Quran in jumhury Pakistan war on terrer means defame Allah his messenger and demolishing mosques burning Quran in Waziristan 1
- Hizib Tahrir only party ardently calling young Muslims to join them to accomplish cause of Allah build state of messenger Mohammed saw khilafet appoint one Umeer khalifa 1
- Ruling of Islam how it functions and structure is state khilafet leadership is immamut khalif is unique heavenly system, policies are derived from Quran o Sunnut of prophet, Muslims forgot 1
- Secular Pakistan tremendous achievements of Army surrender to Indian Army gave East Pakistan committed Genocide of Bengali Muslims 1
- Study with Hizb Tahrir in Hulqa,s Islam say Aqeeda must be intellectually proved with rational evidences, Allah does exist, Quran is book from lord Allah, Mohamed saw is prophet of Allah messenger, 1
- Band baja army of first Pakistani General Gracey_Douglas_David demolished Waziristan mosques burn Quran like British Raj made millions Muslims refugee why no one asked? 1
- Band Baja songs Army Pakistani News Sold Kashmir army obeyed secular Bay dheen Gen Qumer Bajwa docrine (quran oppose commands of Allah, protect India and pagans hindus kill Muslims 1
- Afghanistan invaded Islam is evil ideology Qurtoot Karnamein achievement of Pakistani army gave ground and air passage to fierce enemy of Islam 1
- Secular faithless Pakistan 10
- لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ کا پاکستان-Do more Demolished Waziristan killed Jihadi Paki Muslims no protest no jloos Army obey U America till day of judgement 1
- لا الہ الا اللہ کا پاکستان-Corrupt Jumhury Nizam corrupt leaders corrupted Muslims 1
- لا الہ الا اللہ کا پاکستان-One century now Muslim witness the evil of rulers forgot to forbid al-Munqer paying heavy price 1
- لا الہ الا اللہ- کا پاکستان-Partition for لا الہ الا اللہ Indian Hindus Sikhs took bath in the blood of Muslims 1
- لا الہ الا اللہ کا پاکستان-Secular faithless Pakistan Malala no need paper My body i sell 1
- لا الہ الا اللہ کا پاکستانNationalism Tribalism muhib-e-Qoum split one nation into 56 sects of countries 1
- Mohammed Ali Jinah laid foundation of secular faithless Pakistan 1
- Devil Kamal atta Turk made Turkey secular 1
- History لا الہ الا اللہ کا پاکستان-vision Darul-Islam Pakistan was erected as Darul quffer secular faithless thank to MR Great quide Jinah 14 aug 1947 1
- History لا الہ الا اللہ Qa Pakistan Turkey Saudis & Arabs Indians Israel roasted Muslims 1
- Surrender was humiliation of Muslims 1
- Pakistani policies: Army generals implemented infidel Indian policies for 76 years with force fear treachery fraud, 250 million Muslims knows generals R secular mean faithless American Indian dogs, 1
- Policies of democracy capitalists separated dheen religion from dhunia their dheen is wipe out Islam humiliate Muslims; democracy is present official religion of Muslim 1
- Political Siasi policies Policies of the state Islam khilafet of prophet saw was supper power least for 1200 years; All the Muslim countries are dharul-quffer house of disobedience to Allah 1
- 25 small Vids ummatul-wahid Islamic priorities ancient authentic imams left behind their warning and advice to mumut 1
- 100 years without shiria laws of punishment-Hodud-Equality-justice-Jihad ummut of لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ-committed blaspheme-Study shiria laws on this page 1
- Accountability Prophet Mohammed saw you deliver my book of laws rules regulations i shall account in the court of Lord Allah Muslims and kafirs stand 1
- Afghanistan land of لا الہ الا اللہ did not fight against Muslim but Jihad against secular faithless world did not establish khilafet wasted the victory 1
- After Saudi,s & Arabs destroyed Khilafet 5
- ا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ کی زمین Mohammed,s land is Saudi land now All Arabs & Pakistani leaders are blood body and soul of India Israel American Britain partners in the wealth of Muslims 1
- 3rd March Deposed khalif insult Rasool demolished Mosques agent munafiq government Jumhury Nazam hoqumut Muslims celebrate freedom 1
- Saudi top guns Killing fields Iraq Syria Yemen 1
- Saudis present owner of kaba cooked Muslims of philistine and Muslims watched as spectators 1
- Turkey ofلا الہ الا اللہ converted to secular faithless Muslim followed Mustfa Kamal Atta Turk first messenger of democracy for Muslim world 1
- Allah orders Muslims to study Man Life & Universe Subs origin of Man Biological life Faculties fitrut Nufs of Man Dhunia worldly Life & Satan 1
- Allah orders to think Islam is for wise 1
- Allah Question the Mankind Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Allah رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ is creator gives manifest proof. 1
- Chapter 1 Allah is calling 2023ce Muslim armies for many among them are rebellious transgressors forgot you will certainly meet Lord of Commands forgot ruling system is khilafet state of Allah 4
- Chapter 2 Allah is calling 2023ce Muslim armies it is time to surrender back to Islamic state khilafet your hearts are rock hard among you are rebellious serving Indian pagans and American Israeli 1
- Chapter 3 Allah is calling 2023ce Muslim armies who made America God father which feed Pakistan $$$ made their hearts rock hard forgot Jihad is command of Allah 1
- Chapter 4 Allah is calling 21ce Muslims and their armies Allah will resurrect you out of graves and remind you which you forgot what did you do with the state khilafet of Allah after you destroyed it, 1
- Chapter 1 B Islam gives Criteria of judgement to distinguish الْكَافِرُون الْفَاسِقُونَ الظَّالِمُونَ kafir zalim fasiq unjust Rebels in Muslim lands If any do fail to judge Allah hath revealed 1
- Chapter 1 Intellectual political Islam society change people sit not thou in the company of those who do wrong if ye did, ye would be like them 1
- Chapter 1 Islam gives Criteria of judgement Christians and Jews Yahood are kefirs infields disbelievers COJ for Kafir Fasiq Zalim Munafiqs pagans Atheists Jumhury Parliamentarians Nationalism 9
- Chapter 2 judgement day Every time a new people enters, it curses its sister-people that went before, until they follow each other all into the fire. 1
- Chapter 3 Judgement day those who reject Our commands no opening of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the Garden until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle 1
- Chapter 4 Judgement day lived with sood banks He will say: Ah! would that I had sent forth Good Deeds for my Future Life. For, that Day, His Chastisement 1
- Chapter 5 Judgement Day And for Him is no fear of its consequences. established Parliament adapted Jumhuriut rejected Jihad rejected sharia laws of punishment 1
- Chapter 10 original Muslims find no resources mounts travel for Jihad their eyes streaming with tears of grief they fight in His cause and slay and are slain nor weaken nor give in Allah purchased 1
- Chapter 11 original Muslims united their hearts with love Allah has endeared the Faith to you, and has made it beautiful in your hearts and He has made hateful to your unbelief wickedness rebellion 1
- Chapter 12 original Muslims Party forbid for Allah sake people say why you forbid knowingly they will live with sood banks is present example of 21ce Muslims jews were made into monkeys 1
- Chapter 13 Original Muslims Hearts live in awe for fear of their Lord Day of judgement Their limbs do forsake their beds of sleep, the while call on their Lord, in Fear and Hope 1
- Chapter 14 original Muslims guide do justice steadfast to one Allah they just wait for the final fulfillment judgement day those say Our Lord is Allah stand straight steadfast angels descend on them 1
- Chapter 15 original Muslims Mohammed messenger and those who are with him are strong hard against Unbelievers compassionate amongst each other strive and fight with their wealth and their persons 1
- Chapter 16 Original Muslims observe their Trusts and their covenants; abstain from sex avoid vain talk witness no falsehood 1
- Chapter 17 Original Muslims neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from Remembrance of Allah it is such as fear obey Allah Messenger striven Cause of Allah Such are the sincere ones. 1
- Chapter 18 Original Muslims believed my Account would one Day reach me perform their vows munut fear Day of distressful Wrath charity giving Men and women give loan in cause of Allah Jihad 1
- Chapter 19 Original Muslims pray Our Lord Grant us wives and offspring comfort our eyes attains forty years, he says O my Lord Grant me and upon both parents work righteousness Thou mayest approve 1
- Chapter 2 Original Muslims apostles Luqman Models of Islam beautiful pattern of conduct for anyone Luqman said O Son forbid what is wrong swell not thy cheek for pride at men 1
- Chapter 20 original Muslims provide for you a Light by which ye shall walk to cross hell believing men and the believing women their Light runs forward before them 1
- Chapter 21 original Muslims spend are not extravagant not niggardly nor slay life not commit fornication any does meets Penalty on Judgement day repents, Allah change evil of such persons into good 1
- Chapter 22 Original Muslims Help prophet love immigrants from Mecca feed them while poverty was their own lot are true Muslims are the ones that achieve prosperity 1
- Chapter 23 Original Muslims Invisible creatuer Jins listened to the Guidance, we have accepted it Amongst us are some that submit their wills to Allah and some that swerve from justice. 1
- Chapter 24 original Muslims sorted By the Token of time Verily Man is in loss By no means enter the Garden of Bliss no profit to me my wealth My power has perished from me Seize ye him 1
- Chapter 25 original Muslims defend themselves after they are unjustly attacked. 1
- Chapter 3 Original True Model Muslims a caller called to Islam believed submitted established the state of Messenger Khilafet and entered Islam fully from head to toe appointed one leader 1
- Chapter 4 Original and true Muslims restrain anger no steel in neck in persisting knowingly in the wrong they have done if do wrong satanic thoughts bring Allah to remembrance 1
- Chapter 5 Orignal true Muslims are well-grounded in knowledge study it as it should be studied Verses are entirely clear are the foundations basic fundamental of established Al-Ahkam 1
- Chapter 6 original Muslims afflicted with calamity say "To Allah we belong and to Him is our return Men who celebrate the praises of Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides 1
- Chapter 7 Original Muslims say: Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the fire, hearts find satisfaction 1
- Chapter 8 Original Muslims strive with might and main in Allah's cause, the people of truth the Allah-fearing. fulfil the contracts which ye have made spend for love of Allah 1
- Chapter 9 Original Muslims when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, rehearse the commands all night long, forbid all evil 1
- Chapter 10 political firm Islam Many of them dost thou see, racing each other in sin and their eating of things forbidden. Why do not the Rabbis and the doctors of laws forbid 1
- Chapter 11 Political firm Islam to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss. Or do they doubt, or are they in fear that Allah and His Messenger will deal unjustly with them? 1
- Chapter 12 Political firm Islam neither miracles Signs nor Warner’s profit those who believe not. 1
- Chapter 2 political firm Islam so be not (used
- Chapter 1 B Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Take not with Allah another object of worship lest thou be in Hell blameworthy and rejected 1
- Chapter 10 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat nor made your wives mothers whom ye divorce by Zihar nor made your adopted sons your sons. 1
- Chapter 11 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat Orphans restore their property nor substitute your worthless things for their good ones; 1
- Chapter 12 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat neighbor refuse to supply Even needs because deny day of judgement 1
- Chapter 13 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat people give measure and weight with full justice whenever ye speak, speak justly fulfill promise 1
- Chapter 14 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat Parent old age be kind say not word of contempt, nor repel address in honour 1
- Chapter 15 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat Witness O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves 1
- Chapter 16 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat Witness let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. 1
- Chapter 17 Social system of unique Islam political excellent beautiful teaching Treat so be not (used
- Chapter 28 B Social system of political Islam "My Lord hath commanded justice doubt not The Word of thy Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in justice: 1
- Chapter 29 Social system of political Islam Treat Life shed no blood among you, nor turn out your own people from your homes; 1
- Chapter 30 Social system of political Islam Treat Life law of equality.Self defend themselves after they are unjustly attacked 1
- Chapter 31 Social system of political Islam Treat Life If a man kills a Believer intentionally, must pay compensation OR his recompense is Hell, 1
- Chapter 32 Social system of political Islam Treat Life noised abroad in public speech, where injustice hath been done 1
- Chapter 42 Social system of unique Islam excellent beautiful teaching Treat Spying Back biting avoid suspicion pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge 1
- Chapter 43 Social system of Islam excellent teaching News made up Rummer افواہیں مل کر بنا دی نیوز.بہتان Slander against Prophets wife Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it 1
- Chapter 44 Social system of Islam excellent teaching Those who slander chaste believing women, indiscreet but are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter 1
- Chapter 45 Social system of Islam excellent teaching those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly bear (on themselves
- Chapter 10, Believe intellectually Clear your doubts then Acknowledge Allah does exist and Quran the book of laws is speech of lord 1
- Chapter 11-Allah orders Quran is command Study teach remember and follow it, only way follow Quran Proclaim state of Messenger Mohammed saw Khilafet is command of Allah 1
- Chapter 12 Quranic parables Are they equal when compared? One Muslim righteous fight for cause of Allah other Muslim corrupt & parliamentarian will be their Life and their death? 1
- Chapter 2 Quran is for thinkers wise who understand and follow definite commands where are they now is the question? Now Jumhuriut is king of Muslims 1
- Chapter 3, Quran made easy to understand explained in details Question to 21ce Muslims any one there to receive the commands laws 1
- Chapter 4; Long enough life given to understand Quran is book of laws commands of Allah now cry in hell for remaining ignorant illiterate of commands 1
- Chapter 5 Quran; Muslims Selected part of commands Namaz Roza ignored neglected best part of the commands Allah promised humiliation and disgraced life 1
- Chapter 7; Quran is sharia Torah laws orders احکام اللہ and sharia orders are the speech of Allah to the Man knowledge in Quran is unlimited Islam hate illiteracy 1
- Chapter 8, Attributes of Quran Honorable mighty Quran is the speech of Allah with you Treat Quran is descended on you and Allah is talking with you 1
- Chapter 9 Quran Sent down the Quran as a guide to Mankind also clear commands (Signs
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